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 •  • Work with Us
work with us // mother and two children

Prosecco Mum is an ‘accidental’ blog about all things warts and all parenting. The main subjects are me [Jess], my children – Sofia and Arlo, and occasionally we let Stuart feature too!

I started blogging many years ago, but when I found out I was pregnant with Sofia, it evolved into my online diary and really started to gather momentum when people started interacting and engaging with my writing.

My awesome audience are the reason my blog has been so successful to date, and so I will only take on work if it is something that I would feel comfortable writing about and something I feel my readers will find useful. If you think your product or service fits us then please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you!

What sort of thing could I help you with?

  • Days out
  • Family adventures
  • Product reviews
  • Giveaways/competitions
  • Guest posts
  • Social media campaigns
  • Advertisements
  • Sponsored Content

You can contact me via email: theproseccomum@gmail.com


The Prosecco Gang accept products to review and any products sent to us will always be disclosed. I will always write an honest and unbiased review on our experience and all thoughts and opinions are of my children…with a little help from me. Sponsored and collaborative posts will always be disclosed at the bottom of each post. Occasionally I will use affiliate links in my posts, this means I could potentially earn a small commission if you make a purchase through one of those links – but costs nothing for you to do so.

To discuss working together, please e-mail me at: theproseccomum@gmail.com 
