10 things I have noticed from my time on public transport
As we are now temporarily a ‘one car family’ and the fact I am travelling more with my business, it has given me ample time to sit down and admire the various quirks of the general public when travelling on shared public transport so I thought I’d take this time to list out some of the (gross and annoying) things I’ve noticed about the people on public transport.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?!
1. In a 75 minute flight getting up and down from your seat more than once is not, IMO, entirely necessary.
2. A row of seats is not a go-ahead to talk to people sat beside you and expect them to be interested or to engage in what you’re spouting about.
3. A train/bus/plane (read: any confined space with limited get off opportunity) is not the ideal time to start with your hacking cough/nose picking (optional eating) and burping and farting – or possibly the worst one ever; the throat clearing/nose snorting
4. As above – and also but noisy, smelly, messy eating does not belong here.
5. Nosy people. like the one reading this over my shoulder now.
6. These shared modes of transport are not a place to watch a film on your personal device with no earphones.
7. What is the urgency and rush to get to a gate and board a plane first? You have an allocated seat, it’s not going anywhere. Personally I’d rather spend minimal time sitting on an enclosed germ pit with no A/C running.
8. Pushing, pulling and kicking doesn’t belong in a childrens playground so it certainly doesn’t apply to the back of my goddamn seat. There is zero need to cling to my chair as you get up/down. If I wanted a bumpy thrill ride, I’d head to Alton Towers.
9. If babies cry and kids whinge, your ‘tut’ doesn’t need to be heard. Believe me when I say a crying baby or whinging kid is not enjoyable for the accompanying parent either. Also, you were a kid once.
10. People who sit and take the armrest and/or leave one of their feet the other side of their own under floor space. And with their manky trotters outside of their shoe too *sick face emoji*
*Bonus #11* Stop staring. As I write this I have a woman in the aisle next to me who keeps looking at me for longer than necessary. She has been doing it since before we took off into the skies, I’m subtley picking/checking my nose to see if I have a bat in the cave or wondering whether she’s finally going to notice my resemblance to Lorraine Kelly. (I actually moved across the aisle from her as I was meant to be next to her + when I arrived she had her bare trotter over on my side) *again, enter sick emoji*