What is reputation management and why is it so important to brands?
If businesses want to ensure their success and longevity, they need to manage their online reputation and create positive vibes among their target audiences and stakeholders.
We live in a time when companies can be canceled at any point, both for warranted and unwarranted reasons. Now more than ever, businesses need to be hyper-vigilant about protecting their image, especially since customers can also let their feedback and reviews out to the world at a literal tap of a button.
Thankfully, reputation management is something that any brand can take hold of if they want to influence the public’s perception and conversations surrounding their organisation. Reputation management is all about monitoring the conversations and perceptions of audiences and taking time to respond to potential and full-blown threats by actively seizing opportunities to mitigate those threats.
Now more than ever, brands need to be careful about their online reputation…
Partner with marketing firms
If brands want to take control of how they are perceived online, they will benefit greatly from partnering with agencies and firms that specialise in brand reputation management, especially in the digital sphere.
For example, care facilities need to ensure that their reputation is above reproach, especially since the nature of their industry is to care for the most vulnerable in society-like the elderly and the chronically ill. Families need to be able to trust them with their loved ones, and that can only happen if they build their reputation on honesty and integrity. If you are running a care facility, consult and partner with a home care marketing solutions agencyv to ensure that you employ the right strategy for your specific industry and needs.
Pay close attention to the conversations surrounding your brand
Monitoring your reputation is all about getting a good grasp of what people are already saying about your brand or company. You need to listen in on where these conversations are taking place. Do people talk about you on review sites like Amazon or TripAdvisor? How about on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram? Do you even have a presence in any of these places?
If you are running a bar or a restaurant, check review sites. If you are primarily an online store, check your official hashtag or even your brand’s name on the search bars of social media websites. Know first what you have to deal with so that you can instantly go to fixing what needs to be fixed. If people are not talking about your brand, products and services, then now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get the word out about your brand.
Respond accordingly
Once you have gathered what people are saying about your brand online, now is the time to devise a response strategy or plan. Here are some tips for coming up with a strategy that can help improve your brand’s reputation online:
- Identify the common threads in the feedback and reviews you found. See if what people are saying is in line with your brand’s core messaging and narrative. If not, you may need to find a way to enforce your message through your social media marketing.
- If some reviews or concerns require your response, make sure to be polite, kind and apologetic if necessary. Then assure your audience that you are working hard to fix the problem so that it never happens again.
Build on the positive conversations
Hopefully, you won’t only find negative feedback during your monitoring phase. If you find positivevresponses and conversations surrounding your brand, now is the best time to build and capitalize on that goodwill. Here are some pointers for building on the good responses to your products and services:
- Amplify those voices by re-posting positive reviews and feedback on your website and other leading channels.
- Continue to ask for more reviews as one of your calls to action. Because you build your reputation based on positive reviews and criticism, you need to ensure that you have a steady stream of it and highlight it through your main channels.
- Find what you’re doing right and keep doing it and improving upon it. To have a good brand reputation, you need to have quality products and services, as well as excellent advertising and marketing.