What will you be doing when the coronavirus finally goes away?
While the coronavirus lockdown hasn’t fully been lifted, more businesses are open and the country is starting to see signs of life resuming…
Of course, even if the lockdown was completely lifted, that doesn’t magically make the coronavirus disappear. Yet despite the indefinite period of time we’ll have to wait, we can still dream about all the things that we’ll be doing once it finally does go away! Do you have a post-covid list? Here are a couple of mine…
Rearranging the appointments you’ve missed
Perhaps it’s time to get a new pair of glasses (or in my case just a sight check!) or maybe you’re due for an appointment at the dentist or your hairdresser? I was getting my overgrown mop chopped a week after I was allowed, but I am still waiting for my lash extensions…
There’s a good chance that there are lots of appointments you’ve missed too or had to postpone due to the lockdown. Have you re-booked your appointments in for when it’s open/safe to do so?
Don’t forget about hygiene once it’s declared beaten
Even when they declare that the coronavirus is officially gone (…will they ever?!), that doesn’t mean you can stop using hand sanitiser. If anything, the past few months should have taught us a lot about taking hygiene more seriously.
From wearing a mask if you’re unwell to carrying a small bottle of hand sanitiser in your purse, we should have learned lots of small lessons that will carry us far in life, especially if we want to avoid a virus in the future (and prevent the coronavirus from coming back!).
Adopting other habits into your regular lifestyle
A ‘normal’ life seems so far away now that we’ve lived months in a quarantined/lockdown situation. Without even knowing it, we might have already adapted some of our lockdown habits into our regular lifestyles. Perhaps you’re more open to working from home now, or maybe you’ve seen the importance of having a second source of income?
Maybe doing something online that can’t be affected by a virus in the future! Whatever your circumstances are, there are plenty of ways for you to adapt your current lockdown lifestyle to your regular one. I’ve taken the time to start up my Prosecco Prints again – you can take a look here.
Meet friends and family
One of the toughest things about the coronavirus lockdown for me was being unable to see my close friends and family members.
As soon as it was deemed safe to do so, I headed straight over to my parents for a hug – though they were more interested in getting cuddles from the kids!
For those who are co-parenting, Peters and May provide great advice about the rules and regulations around split families.
It’s been great and so convenient to use Zoom to stay in touch (quiz again anyone…?) but there is nothing quite like seeing your loved ones in the flesh.
*This is a collaborative post.