8 first time pet ideas for your children
Are your children asking for their very own pet but you’re confused where to begin? With so many choices available to families today, it can be overwhelming deciding the perfect first-time pet for them and your lifestyle. From guinea pigs and hamsters to cats, dogs and rabbits – there is sure to be one suitable no matter the age or lifestyle of your family! In this blog post we explore eight ideas for first-time pet owners which both parents and kids will appreciate!

Photo by sabina fratila on Unsplash
Hamsters are an ideal first pet choice, making the transition a bit simpler! Small enough to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, these rodents require minimal upkeep – all you need is a cage, bedding and food!
Guinea Pigs
For first-time pet owners looking for something different than hamsters (up to 8 years!), Guinea pigs make a wonderful option. Not only can you keep these fluffy friends as part of the family for many years; their low maintenance requirements also make them perfect for busy households that may not always have time for much attention to their furry friend.
Cats Can Make Great Pets
Cats make wonderful companions, particularly if your child prefers something cuddlier as their first-ever pet. While kittens require more upkeep than most first-time pets, adult cats require much less upkeep while providing just as much fun!
Nothing beats the unconditional love of a pup! If you’re searching for an animal companion that will stay with your family through all of its ups and downs, why not get yourself one of the many breeds available – but make sure that you do your research first as certain breeds can be high maintenance, and may not fit with your lifestyle.
Rabbits make great first-time pet choices because they’re friendly, curious and require minimal space and maintenance when it comes to care.
Fish can make the ideal pet choice for those with limited space or time available, adding both beauty and life to any home – not to mention it can be immensely calming to watch them swim around!
At first glance, reptiles may appear intimidating; but with proper knowledge and care they make fantastic pets. You’re bound to find one suitable to your family’s lifestyle!
Hedgehogs make ideal pets for both adults and children, being highly curious creatures with lots of character. Furthermore, their low maintenance requirements make them the perfect addition to busy households – plus, they’re simply adorable!
Must Haves For All Pets
There are certain essentials you should keep in mind when selecting any new pet, no matter its species. Be sure to provide enough room for exploration within their enclosure but not too large that they could get lost! Also ensure all necessary food and water dishes, bedding and toys are available – additionally do your research on any potential animals; some require more vet care than others! Gladwells Pet can assist with all your needs for food, supplies and advice/tips on maintaining them!
*This is a collaborative post.