An interview with Violet Glenton….
It’s been a while since I did a bloggers Q&A, so what better way to bring it back (again) than with a catch up with the lovely Violet. For those that don’t know, Violet is a parenting, travel and lifestyle blogger based in Hull – and believes in not falling foul to screen time shame. I couldn’t agree more!
PM: Why did you start blogging?
VG: I started blogging because I wanted a little corner of the internet to call my own. A place I could keep a diary of all my life and how I was feeling at the time. I knew I wasn’t the best writer, I knew I wouldn’t be the best photographer, but it was a chance to harness my creative energy and it really made me feel great.
PM: Were you inspired by anyone to start blogging – if so, who?
VG: I was inspired by a few friends to start blogging actually, they all had little spaces on the internet and it made me want to start mine.
PM: How long have you been blogging?
VG: I have been blogging on and off for 10 years now. I started under a completely different blog title and theme that was primarily on Classical History. Now, I write about everything!
PM: Best parenting advice you’ve ever received (is there such a thing?!)
VG: Not to worry about too much screen time. Honestly, the best thing I’ve ever been told (especially in these circumstances).
PM: What are your parenting bugbears?
VG: Judgemental parents, we’re all just doing our best. I also firmly believe there isn’t one way to do something, we all have different values and that’s why parenting styles are different.
Q: What advice would you give to new parents?
A: To try and remember that everything is temporary. I’ve had so many occasions where I’ve felt overwhelmed and wished a moment away, but it’s always been temporary and any feelings of ‘this is too much’ will pass.
PM: What advice would you give to parents thinking of starting a blog?
VG: Just to put fingers to keyboard and start typing. Try not to worry about what everyone else is doing and tell your own story.
PM:What are your favourite blogs (parenting or otherwise…)?
VG: Doorways & Dresses for Travel and Lifestyle Content, Kirsty Leanne Travels for Travel, Call Me Amye for Lifestyle and Sustainability.
PM: What are your tips for a successful blog?
VG: To constantly show up and keep writing (even when the only person reading is your mum).