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An interview with Violet Glenton….

It’s been a while since I did a bloggers Q&A, so what better way to bring it back (again) than with a catch up with the lovely Violet. For those that don’t know, Violet is a parenting, travel and lifestyle blogger based in Hull – and believes in not falling foul to screen time shame. I couldn’t agree more!

PM: Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted a little corner of the internet to call my own. A place I could keep a diary of all my life and how I was feeling at the time. I knew I wasn’t the best writer, I knew I wouldn’t be the best photographer, but it was a chance to harness my creative energy and it really made me feel great.
PM: Were you inspired by anyone to start blogging – if so, who?
I was inspired by a few friends to start blogging actually, they all had little spaces on the internet and it made me want to start mine.
PM: How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging on and off for 10 years now. I started under a completely different blog title and theme that was primarily on Classical History. Now, I write about everything!
PM: Best parenting advice you’ve ever received (is there such a thing?!)
Not to worry about too much screen time. Honestly, the best thing I’ve ever been told (especially in these circumstances).
PM: What are your parenting bugbears?
Judgemental parents, we’re all just doing our best. I also firmly believe there isn’t one way to do something, we all have different values and that’s why parenting styles are different.

Q: What advice would you give to new parents?
To try and remember that everything is temporary. I’ve had so many occasions where I’ve felt overwhelmed and wished a moment away, but it’s always been temporary and any feelings of ‘this is too much’ will pass.
PM: What advice would you give to parents thinking of starting a blog?
Just to put fingers to keyboard and start typing. Try not to worry about what everyone else is doing and tell your own story.
PM:What are your favourite blogs (parenting or otherwise…)?
VG: Doorways & Dresses for Travel and Lifestyle Content, Kirsty Leanne Travels for Travel, Call Me Amye for Lifestyle and Sustainability.
PM: What are your tips for a successful blog?
To constantly show up and keep writing (even when the only person reading is your mum).

mum and baby

Tell us five things we don’t know about you… 

  1. My sisters are all named colours
  2. At one point I played 7 musical instruments
  3. I have a degree in History of Art & Archaeology
  4. I got married in Italy
  5. I’m a huge musicals fan!

You can find Violet on her BLOG, INSTAGRAM & TWITTER