Four things most kids want in their home | Keeping the kids happy in the home
When you complete design work on your home or a remodel, you often think about what you want. That’s natural, but do you ever consider what your children might want? Do you consider the furniture they could love or the re-designs they might like to see? Sofia is absolutely desperate for a cabin bed at the moment – so that’s next on our list, as is doing her bedroom up!
I’ve listed a couple of other changes that can be done in and around your home that should please the kids;
Bean Bag Chairs
Sofia and Arlo both love launching themselves on to their bean bag chairs. I had never really seen the fascination of them before, but they do chill out on them on the rare occasion that they sit still for longer than five minutes! Why do kids love bean bag chairs so much?! I’m not sure, but when I was searching for the coolest kids bedroom furniture, these were up there on the top buys.
A Wooden Playhouse
We are lucky enough to have quite a large back garden and we recently had it landscaped along the back with an ‘adult’ seating area with summerhouse. Because we have quite a few trees in our back garden, instead of moaning about them and the amount of leaves that keep littering our grass we did consider getting the kids one of the wooden playhouses with slide and swings attached like this one – I think it’s definitely going to be an option for summer 2019!
A Sensory Room
We have a couple of spare rooms in our house and we have actually considered moving the junk out and building a sensory room. I hadn’t heard of it before, but a friend of mine mentioned it as it can really help with those delightful tantrums and time outs – she even used hers as a chill out room when she was feeling stressed or just wanted some downtime. Prices can vary depending on the tech that you choose to put in there but it’s definitely worth a consideration.
Swimming Pool
This recent heatwave may be getting to my head but all I was dreaming about was a swimming pool in our back garden – instead we had to make do with a large paddling pool in the garden! You might have shied away from the idea of a swimming pool in your garden, infact we viewed a house with a large pool but it did put us off due to safety reasons – but for summer’s like we’ve just had, the kids would have absolutely loved it! A swimming pool while a fab idea, does have a lot of ongoing maintenance costs – they could be as much as £200 a month, so definitely look into that before committing to the purchase.