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spin class mum and baby exercising

Getting my post-two baby body back | Mum & Baby Workout Classes

During my maternity leave with Arlo I happened to see something on Facebook about ‘Mum and baby workout classes’, so during an out of body experience I decided to look further into it. Partly because I realised that real life bodies doesn’t seem to ‘snap back’ quite like they do for the celebs, but also to get me out of the house.

When I was on maternity leave with Sofia I joined something similar at a different venue, but back then I just went because a couple of my friends were going and I thought we’d probably stop for a cuppa and a slab of cake after.
After a bit of investigation, I thought I’d sling on my threadbare overstretched lycra trousers, circa 1999 and I rocked up for my first ‘Mum and Baby’ Buggyfit class at Fleming Park Leisure Centre (now Places for People Leisure).
This was when Arlo was about three months old and to be honest I was expecting to see a load of fat mums having a chat. How wrong was I?! These mamas were all super fit and you can imagine my pure joy when the instructor announced ‘it’s an insanity workout today ladies…‘, fan-fucking-tastic I thought to myself as I sweated my way through a workout more gruelling than both labours.
When the 45 minute class had (finally) finished I spoke to the instructor who explained that as well as Buggyfit classes they also ran Baby Spin, Mum and Baby Yoga and Mum and Baby LBT so I thought I’d give Baby Spin a whirl. I don’t know why because I hadn’t spun since I was about 16 and I went along with my dad – I hated it then, nearly vomited and swore I’d never set my arse back down on one of those torturous saddles again so I’m not quite sure why I thought it’d be a good idea to sign up.
But I did. And I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it because you don’t need any coordination (of which I seriously lack) and to an extent you can work to your own pace.
In that 30 minutes I was determined to work my ass off as hard as I possibly could, because otherwise what’s the point? I could have been sat on my backside munching toast and watching Jezza Kyle but I thought if I’m going for it, I’m going for it.  And after that first week, I started doing the classes two or three times a week. And I really started enjoying it.
spin class mum and baby exercising
Even those days when Arlo had had a shit night and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, I dragged myself there and do you know what? It’s true what they say about those endorphins. You feel heaps better after!
So if anyone is looking for a mum and baby workout class in Eastleigh then I highly recommend giving one of the dedicated parent classes a go.