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How to keep family life running smoothly

If you’re a parent, you’ll know that life gets divided into two; before you were responsible for another human, and after.

In your pre-child days, you could do whatever you wanted but after you have children, everything changes.
It can seem like you have many responsibilities, and it can seem impossible to keep things running smoothly. While things can feel overwhelming, there are some things you can do to keep things running smoothly.
Stay organised
Everything is much more straightforward when you know what you have to do, and when. When you’re only responsible for yourself, you can keep your daily tasks in the back of your mind. But when there are multiple people depending on you, its best to have a system in place to be sure everything gets done on time. The beauty of organisation is that it only takes a matter of minutes, yet it can improve your whole life. 
Individual care
It’s easy to get drawn into thinking only of the family, but every member is an individual. As part of making sure everything runs smoothly as a whole, you need to make sure everyone is individually thriving.
There’ll be times when you can just sit back and enjoy it. But when there’s a hiccup, or someone needs some support, it’s important that you’re focusing on their needs, even if it means diverting some attention away from the needs of the family as a whole. 
Limiting stress
If there’s one thing that’ll derail the family’s progress and all-around happiness, it’s stress. As a parent, you’ll naturally have a lot of things on your plate, and it’s understandable that from time to time, you’ll exhibit the signs of stress. But there are things you can do to help keep it at bay.
You can begin by getting your home and financial situation in check, and being proactive when anything negatively affects these two aspects of life.I
f you face an expensive home repair, but don’t have money to hand, it’s better to go looking for a cash loan rather than stressing. Of course, it’ll help if you have your money situation under control, with much more money coming in rather than going out. 
Quality time
It’s not just the parents who have busy lives, these days, everyone does!
Teenagers are buried in their phones or wanting to be out with their friends, the younger ones have clubs and parties. A lot of time can pass without everyone being in the same room.
To keep everything running smoothly, and to make sure everyone’s as close as they should be, schedule regular quality time with one another. 
In it together 
You can’t be expected to do everything in your home. One of the main reasons why families go through wobbles is because too much responsibility is placed on one person. 
When they hit a rough patch and need to take a break, the seams can come undone. It’s better to lighten the burden by spreading the work around.
Depending on the age of your children, they might be ready to begin doing some chores, even if it’s just the small and straightforward jobs. It’ll be one more thing that you don’t need to do, and you’ll give them a sense of responsibility. 
Don’t sweat the small stuff
There’ll be enough big things to worry about; you don’t need to invent problems. Try to let go of those little issues, and remember that there’s no such thing as a perfect parent. 
*This is a collaborative post.