Is the grass greener on the other side? | Essential pointers if you’re considering moving to the countryside
Some people have the rural lifestyle flowing through their veins wherever they go.
If you’re a city dweller and are considering making the move to the country there are so many reasons to do it! There are so many farms around that you can encourage the kids to get close to nature while also making the most of a relaxed pace of life. But what should you do to ensure that your move to the country is a successful one?
Finding The Perfect Bit Of Land
Finding the right house is one thing but you’ve also got to think about the land that surrounds it. Houses are cheap out in the country in comparison to the big city so you can get more bang for your buck but you have got to think about the practicalities of a house that’s surrounded in countryside.
It might not be safe or ecologically sound. But, if you have concerns there’s always an opportunity to consult an ecology consultancy firm so they can give you (literally) the “lay of the land”. You may very well find yourself going out in the car much more often!
The Community
The great thing about living out in the country is that you are far removed from all walks of life. Many people retire to the countryside so they can enjoy a slower pace of existence but if you are someone who is in your mid-30s and you’re looking to raise the kids in a rural habitat the country way of life can provide a lot of positives. That close-knit community feeling is hard to come by these days but you do have to remember your proximity to amenities!
Another thing to think about, practically, is the broadband speed and other luxuries you’ve been used to in a big city. Will your children get bored because you are spending most of your time with older people? Is it so rural that there’s not regular public transport to get them into civilisation?
The Costs Of Country Living
Country living is cheaper on the surface but when you start to factor in things such as more petrol and more wear and tear on the car, it may add up. Its definitely worth weighing up the pros and cons financially, but you may find you get more out of country living for mental health benefits and so to you, is that worth that extra investment? You may still be working in the city so you have to commute but part of living rurally means you become more self-sufficient in other ways.
Moving to the countryside sounds like the perfect way to start all over again. And for many people that have moved there they never look back. But if you don’t have the rural lifestyle flowing through your veins then stay in the hustle and bustle!
*This is a collaborative post.