The Best Instagram Hashtags for Parent Accounts
Do you use Instagram for fun, or are you really trying to grow your account? I’ve always just posted whenever I want to, never to a strict regime or schedule and never given hashtags too much thought.
However, I have started to notice some of the accounts that I really enjoy following on the daily are seeing follower numbers shoot up and #hashtags without a doubt, are playing a part in their climb.
I’m not a fan of the many follow loops you see going around. For those not in the know, these are like the old school chain mail where you need to follow a set number of accounts to gain a number of followers back. All you end up with is people following you who won’t engage with your posts – and are only interested in gaining a new follower to their account – they’ll soon unfollow you again!
Stick to authentic followers who follow you because they want too.
But how do they find you in a sea of other people vying for likes, love and engagement? Hashtags are (partly) your answer!
You get a strict 30 hashtag limit per post – counted across both caption and comment – and there’s really no reason not to use them all. In fact, Instagram encourage you to go heavy on the hashtags. Other reports suggest 9-11 is the perfect number…
The most important thing to remember is that there’s very little point in being followed by a whole group of people who have different interests to you, but have found you as you’ve used irrelevant tags. By using appropriate keywords, you open up your posts to a whole host of people who are also interested in the same topic. If they like what they see, they’ll follow you!
You want every hashtag you use to bring you in as many likes/comments/followers as possible. But you won’t do that by using the most popular ones (prime example: #love), you’ll get lost in a huge ocean of other people using them too. Confused? Me too!
Here are my list of top parenting hashtags to use – take a look through, some might be perfect for you:
#honestlymothering #ohheymamas #motherhood #momlife #kids #family #parenthood #baby #parentingtips #parents #children #mom #dadlife #mumlife #toddler #toddlerhood #parentingwin #parentingfail #tipsparenting #lifewithlittles #motherhoodthroughig #hotmessmom #mumswhoblog #ukmummy #joyfulmama #momsofinstagram #fatherhood #babies #newborn #babygirl #babyboy #pregnancy #familytime #parentinglife #mentalhealth #ukmumsquad #toddlerlifestyle #mumlifeuk #toddlerlife #parent #mama #motherhoodunplugged #parentlife #learning #preschool #momblogger #mother #homeschooling #instagood #babiesofinstagram #homeschool #fun #school #happy #parentingquotes #positiveparenting #moms #toddlers #pregnant #pregnancy #everydaymoments
And currently, the most popular include: #parenting #motherhood #momlife #kids #family #love
You can find my Instagram account here