We rise by lifting others | Amazon Wish list
We rise by lifting others… or in this case, gifting others. For anyone on Twitter, you may have seen the wish list #spreadkindness #sendlove campaign going around. And do you know what?
It’s bloody lovely!
When I first saw people advertising their wish lists, my initial thought was what a cheek asking people to buy them presents for what seemed like no reason. Then I sat back and thought about it. What is nicer than gifting somebody?
I absolutely love giving gifts and treats and doing it during this uncertain, shitty time when we’re all locked up inside going slightly mad, makes the sentiment seem so much nicer.
And there’s nothing wrong with ‘just because’ is there?
More than that, it gives some great ideas for what you may like when you’re browsing other peoples lists. I know that I’ve discovered a whole world of things that I didn’t even know I wanted, or existed, which have ended up firmly on my list.
No more saying ‘I don’t know what I want’ when family ask what you would like for birthdays or Christmas.
I’ve spent the last few days gifting a few people I knew, and also complete strangers, with little presents from their wish lists and it felt so good. It’s true what they say, you definitely do rise by lifting others.
Yesterday I received a couple of books that I’d added to my wish list, direct to my Kindle – and this morning I received a physical present too. And I wasn’t expecting any of it. But I was so grateful.
This world really is full of kindness when you look for it.