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4 modern ways to make money online

What are your goals and aspirations? Do you have a passion that you’d like to turn into a career or side hustle? Have you considered making money online?

Whether it’s through blogging, freelancing, making videos, selling products on Amazon, or something else entirely – there is almost always an opportunity for someone looking to earn extra income. 
1. Stock market
The stock market is a volatile place where people invest in companies. However, if you have the money to do so, this can be an excellent way to earn more cash on top of your day job or other income sources. The best thing about investing in stocks is that it’s not something only rich people can do- anyone with £50-500 and at least some free time can get started!
Once you’ve chosen some companies, log in and make your purchase! The most popular way of doing so is by purchasing individual shares for each company.
2. Trading FOREX
The Foreign Exchange market (FOREX) is the global marketplace for buying and selling different currencies. This can be a great way to earn more money online if you’re willing to put in some time because it’s possible to make up to £100+ per hour! The best part about this type of trading is that you don’t need any special qualifications – all that matters are your skills at predicting how prices will change over time.
A basic understanding of economics or finance, as well as a crypto tax guide would also help. If you have excellent forecasting skills and some knowledge on what makes an economy tick, it could turn into quite a lucrative side gig!
3. Blogging
Blogging is something that many people do as a side hustle, whether it’s on their own blog or somebody else’s. It doesn’t take much to get started – most platforms have free plans for those just starting out!
A good way to make money blogging (or any content creation) is by promoting products from affiliate programs in your posts. Some popular ones include Amazon and eBay – but there are many others if you’re not interested in selling physical items. This can be an easy way to earn extra money online, with only the time spent writing each post being what counts for this job!
4. Writing
If you’re a good writer or would like to get better at it – there are plenty of opportunities in the field. For people who want to write for someone else’s blog (such as this one), check out sites such as Blogger and Fiverr! You can also find many platforms online that will pay writers on an ongoing basis – but usually, these jobs also don’t require any specific qualifications, however some experience in the field would be even better!
*This is a collaborative post.