Books I’ve read this month | May 2018
So I’ve been trying to ‘detox’ a bit from just staring at my phone constantly in the evenings and go mind numb whilst scrolling through the social media platforms, so I went back to the 90’s and picked up an old-school paperback book.
I first got back into reading again last month when I found that my fears and anxiety were overtaking a bit, so I trawled Amazon for some ‘mindfulness’ books. I came across Ferne Cotton’s ‘Calm‘ and ‘Happy‘ as well as ‘The little book of Mindfulness‘ and I enjoyed switching the TV off, kicking back and reading.
After a couple of nights of ‘self helping’ I decided to get into more of a fiction based book, I’d brought Jojo Moyes ‘One plus One‘ last year to go on holiday with but never got round to reading it, so I dusted off the cover and started reading. It was so nice to get stuck into a book again and over the course of the week I was fully championing Jess, Tanzie and Nicky as they set about their challenges of having a super child maths prodigy in the family, but no way of raising the (already reduced) scholarship course fees…until Jess hatched a plan! Which of course involved a roadtrip, a romance and a happy ending.
Alongside this, I’ve also been dipping in and out of Sarah Wright’s ‘The life-changing magic of not giving a f*ck‘ which is refreshing and hilarious – but has some key messages in it about changing your mindset and attitude towards some situations – without being an ars*hole in the process. Again, just like Ferne’s books, I’m dipping in and out rather than reading cover to cover.
Once I’d finished this I vowed I was going to get back into reading again so I did an Amazon Prime order and picked Claire Mackintosh’s ‘Let me lie‘ (which I have high hopes for after literally submerging myself into her debut ‘I let you go’ followed by ‘I see you’ – which I actually put on a pre-order which arrived just in time for my holiday last year!), Laura Marshalls ‘Friend Request‘ and the one that I started reading a couple of weeks ago – the Debut Sunday Times bestseller ‘Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine‘ by Gail Honeyman.
I look forward to reporting back and reviewing this months reads!
I say every few weeks “I’m getting back into reading” and then life takes over and I never seem to get any more than a few chapters in! Maybe I’ll take a leaf out of your book (no pun intended, ahaha) and start posting on my blog every month what I’ve read to try make myself find the time to actually relax and read a good book?!!