Books I’ve read this month | March 2019
So as I mentioned in my February book round up, I had just started reading 'Chase the Rainbow' after reading fellow mummy blogger, MummySetra's, rave review about it over on
Features every family home should have
Everyone has their own ideas about what makes an ideal family home. Design and layout are important, but so is the amount of outside space, the number of bedrooms and
Dear Arlo, now you are two… | A letter to my son at two years old
My darling boy. 24 whole months has passed since you became the greatest mothers day present. My huge headed, grumpy, splodgy faced baby boy who was sick for the first six months
How to prepare yourself and your family for a second child
The thin blue line has confirmed it; baby number 2's on its way. You may think it won't be as much of an adjustment if you've already had one baby,
gifted / Winchester Science Centre
What better way to celebrate British Science Week than with a first time trip to Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. We only live around 20 minutes away from the centre and
My Slimming World Journey | Week 7
So this week I haven't really strictly been following the Slimming World plan - it was almost like I'd reached my target and I completely took my foot off the
Cramming a years gardening into a days work!
If you're like me, you'll love the idea of having a beautiful garden which all the family can enjoy when the sun finally decides to shine. You may have seen
Outdoor relaxation ideas
Is there anything more enjoyable than those summer evenings when the kids are tucked up in bed, whilst you sip on a G&T (or a fizz
My 2019 Weight Loss Journey | Week 6
So this week I was so-so, not doing spectacularly well but not horrendously bad - but then I came down with some strange 24 hour virus (which I'm convinced was