Five things to do before proposing
Proposing marriage must be a completely daunting prospect and the question that will be at the forefront of their mind is, “Will she say yes?” Stuart’s proposal was hardly the most romantic, but after waiting for over five years – I was just thrilled to just have the bling on my finger, and it was completely unexpected, I had no inkling it was about to happen!
To put your mind at ease though, almost all wedding proposals end with a yes so that’s one less thing to worry about – to make sure all goes plain sailing, here are my five things to help with a smooth proposal…and a wife!
- Take A Realistic Look At Your Relationship – The last thing you want is a refusal, so make absolutely sure that marriage is also on her mind. It is so easy to assume, and if she’s not the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, you might be barking up the wrong tree. If you have any doubts, talk to her about the future (without making any commitments) and see how she reacts. She might say that she’s not ready to think about the future at this point, which tells you that you are jumping the gun, and in such a case, simply put the whole thing on ice for a few months and then reassess the situation at a later date.
- The Bling – By far the most important thing of all for most ladies, me included, is the engagement ring and there is an extensive range of unique engagement rings to be found through established online jewellers. This is a bit of jewellery that she will wear for life, so take your time with the selection. If in doubt, classic will always stand the test of time!
- Talk To Her Parents – If you’re sure of getting the right response when you pop the question, have an informal chat with her parents. This is the ‘proper way’ to go about things and it will also give you a heads up regarding how they feel to a commitment from you – the age old tradition is to ask her dad’s permission to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. I must say LagerDad did try to ask SuperGramps on many of their pub trips but he bottled it every time. So he did break the rules!
- The Proposal – This definitely warrants some planning, as you want this time to be one that you both look back on with fond memories. Once you have purchased the ring, think about how (and where) you will pop the question, and if you happen to live in or around the Sydney area, here are some great marriage proposal venues to give you some inspiration.
5. The Element of Surprise – The last thing you want is a ‘no’ as you are down on one knee! If you’re at all unsure, it may be best to consult with your partner first just to test the water and if you get the right response, you can plan something special with the confidence that you proposing will be well received.
Happy proposing!
*This is a collaborative post.