How to save money when buying furniture for your home
Furnishing a home can be a costly expense, but if you don’t have the money to buy all of the fancy things on your wish list, that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality.
Here are some of my top tips to save money when buying furniture for your home.
Avoid fast fashion buying
There’s a big movement in the fashion industry at the moment when it comes to buying fast fashion and that’s where you’re buying excess amounts of clothing just to wear for a season and chuck it out. This can be wasteful to the environment and expensive. The same goes for furniture too! Where there’s a trend, there may be an urge to buy things that will fall apart or that you will just throw out once another trend comes in. When it comes to shopping online for homeware and interiors, shop for quality items that are going to save you money in the long-run. If you buy high-quality materials and goods, it’s unlikely to fall apart!
Upcycle old furniture
Upcycling furniture is a great way of making use of old furniture that might not be broken or where the structure of the furniture is still solid. When it comes to upcycling furniture, most of the time you can do it yourself. There’s so much content available online that you can pretty much DIY from a bit of research. Upholstering old sofas or chairs is fairly easy, and you can add whatever fabric it is you fancy. Side cabinets and storage space made out of wood can be sanded down and repainted to give it the appearance of it being brand new.
Payment plans for big expenditures
A lot of companies know that being able to pay for the likes of a sofa or bed might not be possible to do in one go. In these cases, payment plans could be a good option for helping to spread the cost of your purchases. Ask the company what their payment options are as it could be that they request a deposit and then a certain payback plan per month or within a certain amount of time where it’s interest-free. Do a little shopping around before going with the first company you see.
Have a t0-buy list
Not everything in your home has to be bought immediately. There’s plenty of time to buy things at your own pace, and it can make the overall experience of owning or renting a home more enjoyable. Look at what needs prioritising and create a ‘to-buy’ list so that you can keep on top of what needs getting and what can be held off for now.