My January Happy Moments 01/21
With the year beginning in lockdown, I thought it was important to take more notice of the happy moments that pepper our day. They won’t be big, magnificent things – but sometimes there’s so much joy to be found in the every day ordinary moments.
Here are my January 2021 Happy Moments highlights!
I’m on to my fourth book of January, I’ve loved getting lost in an alternative reality, which has been a lot more exciting than our current one here in the drizzly UK!
I’ve written up all about my January reads here.
Roast Dinner Sunday
This has to be my favourite addition to January!
Stu & I were chatting and said that some of our best childhood memories were eating roasts together on a Sunday, as a family…yet we are terrible at it! We tend to go out for a Sunday lunch, but don’t make them ourselves. So we’ve been making the effort to start it – and it ends the weekend perfectly; roast, comforting puddings and a film with the kids cosied under the blankets. I wrote this post about going into Lockdown 3.0 full of positivity and it’s been a (fairly) positive month.
During the latter days of the longest month in the world, I have found myself on the edge – but I’m not letting the tears flow, or they may not stop! Lots of vaccines are being done and the glimmer of normality is almost within reach.
Being in lockdown has done something to my husband!
The man who usually pays a handyman (or gives the DIY jobs to Gamps) has actually picked up a drill and a paint brush!
We’ve painted our hallway, spruced up our home office, finally decorated the kids playroom and Stuart’s gone all dark and moody in his TV room. I can’t wait to share the pics with you soon!
Home learning
Home learning first time round was tough! Second time round has been made a lot easier because Sofia’s learning has come on so much since September, and I’m really proud of her.
Her reading and spelling is like something has just ‘clicked’ and it’s making homeschooling (slightly) more bearable. Our school have been amazing and so, so supportive, the teachers are really going above and beyond.
Thick as thieves
The kids have moved into ‘Stuart’s TV room’ as a pre-bed routine and it’s the cutest thing. They cuddle up, under blankets and eat their snack tea watching some trash on Netflix and basically turn into total besties before bed.
Baths have become my daily self care and I am totally here for them. I used to be a ‘sometimes Sunday treat’ bath girl but now it’s 4pm on a Friday (or Thursday, or Wednesday) and I’m in there soaking it up, wax melt lit and Kindle in hand.
Sometimes I even manage to enjoy the bubbles without a child coming in for a poo – even though there’s two other toilets in the house where they could lay their logs. *Eye roll*