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Five things to consider before getting married

Marriage is a significant milestone in a couple’s life, as it marks the beginning of a journey of love and commitment. All the preparations leading up to your wedding day are often met with excitement, busy schedules, and comparing venues. Beyond that, however, there are many vital factors to consider beyond the wedding day to ensure a happy and fulfilling marriage. Below are some of such factors worth considering.

  1. Open communication

Every successful relationship dwells on a foundation of trust and open communication. That sets the stage for a lifelong relationship with great potential to thrive even in the face of challenges. Before saying ‘I do’ to each other, make it a point to discuss your values, goals, and expectations. Remember that both of you grew up in different backgrounds, and elements that influenced your upbringing will emerge in your marriage. The earlier you have this discussion, the better communication channel you will have established before heading down the aisle.

  1. Financial compatibility

Many marriages have ended on the rocks due to the significant stress of financial challenges. Financial habits, outstanding debts, and savings goals, among others, often cause misunderstandings. Although such discussions can sometimes be uncomfortable, they are crucial to ensure you and your partner are on the same page and reduce the likelihood of financial conflicts after marriage. 

  1. Discuss the wedding venue

Your different backgrounds might influence your wedding venue choice. For instance, a bride will prefer a barn-themed wedding venue, while the groom opts for something more contemporary. The last thing you want is for your wedding venue choice to become a bone of contention before marriage. Fortunately, you and your soon-to-be spouse can explore a few more places before settling on a wedding venue that meets your preferences. Once that is out of the way, you can bring up the budget, capacity, and venue ambiance with your partner.

  1. Family dynamics

Before walking down the aisle, it’s vital to understand your partner’s family dynamics. For example, issues surrounding boundaries, involvement, and traditions, among others, can cause a marital rift if not discussed from the early stages. Everybody has unique family dynamics, and each one comes with potential challenges. These challenges are further heightened when your partner fails to understand the core family values that define your identity and personality. Establishing a healthy relationship with your in-laws can also help you understand your soon-to-be spouse’s family and the inherent dynamics. A supportive family network helps in this regard.

  1. Conflict resolution

Your partner may not have the same temperament as you, and this can cause potential conflict along the way. Although disagreements, misunderstandings, and disputes are inevitable in marriage and any relationship, the difference, however, will be how you and your better half resolve them or reach healthy compromises. Therefore, decide now how you will both navigate complex situations. This way, you can adopt fair conflict resolution skills for peace to prevail.