Five fantastic things in June 2018
Following on from my five marvellous May things I’ve been looking forward to writing my June memories. There are so many things that pass us by as we rush manically from task-to-task and it’s nice to sit back and think of the things that I’ve enjoyed doing.
1. I finally finished reading ‘Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine’ which I was meant to finish in May, but hey – small fail. It was a bit of a slow start and I wasn’t sure if I was going to get into it but a few more pages in and I was completely hooked. I rellly enjoy reading and this one really transported me to Eleanor’s mind and I was really rooting for her happiness! You can buy it here.
2. Successful solo parenting – LagerDad ventured on his annual golfing holiday and abandoned us for five nights as he went to hit balls about in the Spanish sun. I won’t lie, I was dreading it. Particularly as my parents and in-laws were both away too. I got myself so worked up and anxious, worried if me or the kids got ill whilst they were all away, what would I do?! But, they didn’t and I enjoyed it. Jess – 1. Anxiety – 0.
3. The start of Love Island – goodbye social life!
I’m hook, line and sinker’d addicted again this year. Who’s my favourite? Jack and Dani of course! I love watching the dramas unfold – is there anyone that likes #MuggyMeg – what do people think about Georgia? Was Josh right to ditch her for Kaz?! Waaaa I bloody love it and sit eating chocolate and crisps whilst watching on in envy at the ‘no effort’ bikini bodies parading around the villa. I am fully invested in the whole thing and not sure what I’ll do with the 9-10pm slot when it’s over! What did happen to Niall though?!
4. A husband-free, childfree holiday to Turkey for a family wedding – yes, you heard it right. I went completely solo, no excess ‘baggage’. It was amazing to spend time with immediate and close family for three nights. Far too much alcohol was consumed, too little sleep was had and I realise I’m not 18 anymore but my god it was so much fun. The wedding was set in a movie-style scene at Urla Vineyards, and we stayed in a beautiful area called Alacati – a completely different Turkey to what I was expecting. I’m looking forward to the next family wedding!
5. I know it shouldn’t be about kids, but I’m making an exception this month!
Sofia had her first visit to ‘big school’, she did an hours session with me where she met her teachers, took part in some activities and explored her classroom and playground. I was so proud of her chatting to her teachers (a little distracted with what was going on behind their shoulders!) and had small talk with some of the existing Year R children. She got a bit shy towards the end at the song time on the mat and she did come and sit on my knee – but this is huge progress, as confident as she is, change does unsettle her, so to see her chatting with her peers was fab. I’m dropping her off this week for an hour and a half settling session. I honestly can’t believe in a few months I’ll be doing school drop-offs and pick up. How did that happen!? I can still clearly remember the day she was born.
Amy Mighalls
Loving your #fivethings post. I’m still to read Eleanor Oliphant! I’ve had it for ages now, maybe this month is the month. I have been loving Love Island too, I’m more invested in Dani and Jack’s relationship than my own I think!
I LOVE Love Island! I was a little (Okay very) late to the party and only started watching about a week or so ago. I love Georgia, I think Josh is a twat. Dr Alex is a drip and I’m not overly keen on Laura either. Sounds like you’ve had a fab month! #fivethings
Laura xx
Rachael Blakey
Love this! Hell yes to the child-free, husband-free holiday!!! Is it wrong to say that, that is the dream right now? A cocktail & sleep in peace…. BLISS.
HEY! I’ve come over also from the #FiveThingsLinky. Love your post. SO jealous of your solo holiday and your pictures look amazing! I STILL haven’t picked up Eleanor Oliphant but I keep meaning to! I should probably read what I’ve already got first haha! I’m a bit late to the party but I’ve been loving Love Island, although mostly in dribs and drabs. I find it has gone a tad boring but it does perk up haha! Love Jack and Dani! and watching Dr. Alex flirt just makes me cringe so so bad haha! xx
Prosecco Mum
I have only just had notifications of comments and reading yours has transported me back in time to solo holidaying in the sun…with alcohol in hand…and no kids. Take me back!! xx
Victoria Austin
Found your blog post via the linky! 🙂 Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is on my to be read list at the moment. x
Prosecco Mum
Have you read it yet? It took me a while and then I was hooked! xx
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