My 2019 Weight Loss Journey | Week 5
So this week on my weight loss journey seemed like such a bad week – y’know, one of them where you seriously consider skipping the fat shaming at the weekly Slimming World group. But what happened was a bit of a shocker – the body is sometimes a weird thing!
I was away from home over the weekend and just ate what I wanted, I was relatively good through the week (ie – I didn’t cave and order a Dominos and I also resisted both Dave the baguette man AND the office doughnuts this week) but I did have a couple of nights where I may have demolished a share bag of crisps or two. Perhaps I’m being hard on myself and actually the syns that I save throughout the day (I rarely use all 15) just balanced out?
It’s been a week of plenty of speed food and some surprisingly yum meals, when I wasn’t expecting them to be!
A few of my favourite meals this week have been….
Week Five Weigh In Results: 2lb loss.
Total Loss: 7lbs
Last weeks progress – click here!